Spending Less Calculator

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  • Spending Less Calculator
Personal Details
Your Current age (in years)
Age at which you want to retire (in years)
Savings or interest rate of your current
investments (% per annum)
Income Tax rate (% per annum)
Current Inflation rate (% per annum)
Spending Details
Deferring purchase of a house / flat (Rs.)
Reducing the Home Loan EMI (Rs.)
Waiting to buy a new car (Rs.)
Eating out less with family (Rs.)
Reduce lifestyle spending (Rs.)
Taking fewer holidays (Rs.)
Taking public transport (Rs.)
Reducing the credit card interest (Rs.)
Closing the personal loan (Rs.)
Doing less shopping (Rs.)
  • By reducing your spending you will save this amount each year


  • Number of Years


  • If you invest this amount, you will accumulate this amount by the time you retire
