Mutual Fund Quartile Ranking

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  • Mutual Fund Quartile Ranking
Scheme Name Launch Date AUM (Crore) Trailing 1 year Returns (%) Current Quarter Quartile Rank 1 yr. Trailing Rtn. as at last Qtr. end (%) Last Qtr. end Quartile Rank 1 yr. Trailing Rtn. at Qtr. before last (%) Qtr. before last Quartile Rank
SBI Multicap Fund- Regular Plan- Growth Option 05-03-2022 18769.04 14.84 Top Quartile 25.75 Upper Middle Quartile 41.07 Bottom Quartile
Axis Multicap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 05-12-2021 6756.18 14.37 Top Quartile 31.95 Top Quartile 55.79 Top Quartile
LIC MF Multi Cap Fund-Regular Plan-Growth 31-10-2022 1389.63 13.23 Top Quartile 31.97 Top Quartile 50.79 Top Quartile
WhiteOak Capital Multi Cap Fund Regular Plan Growth 22-09-2023 1480.98 11.87 Top Quartile 28.35 Upper Middle Quartile 46.77 Upper Middle Quartile
Baroda BNP Paribas MULTI CAP FUND - Regular Plan - Growth Option 12-09-2003 2649.94 11.56 Top Quartile 31.44 Top Quartile 49.43 Top Quartile
Invesco India Multicap Fund - Growth Option 17-03-2008 3727.8 10.98 Upper Middle Quartile 29.54 Top Quartile 47.51 Upper Middle Quartile
Canara Robeco Multi Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option 08-07-2023 3815.61 10.76 Upper Middle Quartile 21.32 Lower Middle Quartile 44.46 Lower Middle Quartile
ICICI Prudential Multicap Fund - Growth 01-10-1994 13850.38 9.45 Upper Middle Quartile 20.5 Bottom Quartile 47.84 Upper Middle Quartile
Nippon India Multi Cap Fund-Growth Plan-Growth Option 25-03-2005 37593.67 9.1 Upper Middle Quartile 25.59 Upper Middle Quartile 45.45 Lower Middle Quartile
Edelweiss Multi Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 26-10-2023 2505.65 8.78 Upper Middle Quartile 27.6 Upper Middle Quartile - -
DSP Multicap Fund - Regular - Growth 05-01-2024 1899.28 7.67 Lower Middle Quartile - - - -
Aditya Birla Sun Life Multi-Cap Fund-Regular Growth 07-05-2021 5878.59 7.0 Lower Middle Quartile 22.26 Lower Middle Quartile 41.49 Lower Middle Quartile
Union Multicap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option 19-12-2022 1041.57 6.62 Lower Middle Quartile 22.15 Lower Middle Quartile 39.44 Bottom Quartile
Sundaram Multi Cap Fund (Formerly Known as Principal Multi Cap Growth Fund)-Growth Option 05-01-2013 2643.76 6.5 Lower Middle Quartile 19.3 Bottom Quartile 41.88 Lower Middle Quartile
Kotak Multicap Fund-Regular Plan-Growth 03-09-2021 15725.61 6.18 Lower Middle Quartile 26.86 Upper Middle Quartile 52.25 Top Quartile
HSBC Multi Cap Fund - Regular - Growth 05-01-2023 4253.86 6.14 Lower Middle Quartile 28.3 Upper Middle Quartile 51.74 Top Quartile
BANDHAN MULTI CAP FUND - GROWTH - REGULAR PLAN 02-12-2021 2365.16 6.02 Lower Middle Quartile 19.3 Bottom Quartile 41.83 Lower Middle Quartile
HDFC Multi Cap Fund - Growth Option 05-12-2021 16088.87 5.43 Bottom Quartile 20.68 Lower Middle Quartile 45.62 Lower Middle Quartile
Bank of India Multi Cap Fund Regular Plan - Growth 03-03-2023 749.55 4.67 Bottom Quartile 22.13 Lower Middle Quartile 46.1 Upper Middle Quartile
Mirae Asset Multicap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 01-08-2023 3299.81 4.1 Bottom Quartile 16.97 Bottom Quartile 38.91 Bottom Quartile
Mahindra Manulife Multi Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 05-05-2017 4750.15 2.44 Bottom Quartile 23.23 Lower Middle Quartile 45.56 Lower Middle Quartile
ITI Multi Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option 15-05-2019 1312.94 1.32 Bottom Quartile 20.01 Bottom Quartile 47.27 Upper Middle Quartile
Tata Multicap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 05-02-2023 2934.61 -1.99 Bottom Quartile 12.33 Bottom Quartile 31.45 Bottom Quartile
Quant Active Fund-GROWTH OPTION - Regular Plan 21-03-2001 9699.81 -5.87 Bottom Quartile 11.74 Bottom Quartile 39.91 Bottom Quartile

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Returns less than 1 year are in absolute (%) and greater than 1 year are compounded annualised (CAGR %). SIP returns are shown in XIRR (%).

The Risk Level of any of the schemes must always be commensurate with the risk profile, investment objective or financial goals of the investor concerned. Mutual Fund Distributors (MFDs) or Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) should assess the risk profile and investment needs of individual investors into consideration and make scheme(s) or asset allocation recommendations accordingly.

Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully. Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Investors should always invest according to their risk profile and consult with their mutual fund distributors or financial advisor before investing.