Evaluate Your Portfolio

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Upload your CAS here
(consolidated account statement)

Upload your CAS here and get a complete review of all your investments. we offer an in-depth analysis of your investments and suggest the right action to grow your money.

Don't have a CAS file ? No worries, Click Here This will just take you 5 minutes

How do I get my CAS PDF?

You can get your CAS generated via CDSL, NSDL, AMFI, or CAMS. For explanation purposes, we are considering CAMS as an example.

  • We will now direct you to the secure website of CAMS from where you can generate a statement. Click Here
    (Refer the sample landing page below)
  • In the options there, select 'Detailed Statement', 'Specific Period' and enter the 'to and from date'.
  • Fill in you registered email ID and give a password to open the PDF document. Once you enter this, a PDF will be emailed to you.
    (Please note that only the investments in which your email ID is registered, will be part of the CAS statement)
  • Get the PDF from your inbox, and come back here to upload it on the above place.
  • If you already have a CAS statement, upload the same in the above place and ignore the steps mentioned.

Don't have eCAS? Generate now using one of the following options